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Releasing the Quads and Hamstrings

In this training, I guide students through the anatomy of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, where they meet, and how they act on the hip, pelvis, and knee. Students will learn what kinds of symptoms the quads and hamstrings cause and what your clients will say to let you know to work on them. Knee pain ANYwhere in the knee and around the knee joint, in the back of the knee, knee buckling, pain when going up or down stairs, pain at the hamstring attachment… these are all symptoms that you will be able to effectively treat after taking this training.

Full Details For This CE Class: Home Study

In this training, I guide students through the anatomy of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, where they meet, and how they act on the hip, pelvis, and knee. Students will learn what kinds of symptoms the quads and hamstrings cause and what your clients will say to let you know to work on them. Knee pain ANYwhere in the knee and around the knee joint, in the back of the knee, knee buckling, pain when going up or down stairs, pain at the hamstring attachment… these are all symptoms that you will be able to effectively treat after taking this training.
  • Available Credit Hours:
CE Class: Home Study
CE Provider:
Cat Matlock

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