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Provider: Robin Fann-Costanzo

Introduction to Esalen® Massage

In this course you will be introduced to the Esalen Massage approach. You will learn the history, primary influences, and foundational techniques that Esalen massage is well known for. This workshop will consist of exercises, group discussion, demonstrations and supervised practice. This class is appropriate for beginner or experienced massage therapists wanting to add the Esalen massage style to their practice.

Introduction to Esalen® Massage

In this course you will be introduced to the Esalen Massage approach. You will learn the history, primary influences, and foundational techniques that Esalen massage is well known for. This workshop will consist of exercises, group discussion, demonstrations and supervised practice. This class is appropriate for beginner or experienced massage therapists wanting to add the Esalen massage style to their practice.

An Esalen® Massage Approach to Wkg w/ Trauma

Full title: An Esalen® Massage Approach to Working with TraumaLearn a repertoire of Esalen massage techniques and mindfulness practices to help your clients move through the trauma response so they can then enjoy the benefits of massage.

Intermediate/Advanced Esalen® Massage

In this class we will explore possibilities for utilizing passive movements to assess
and address patterns of tension and restrictions in the body. We will learn gentle
rocking and shaking techniques as well as joint articulations as a means of freeing
and connecting the entire body. When adding movement into our massage
toolbox, our focus will be on making smooth transitions between these
movements and the flowing Esalen approach.
This class is open to experienced Esalen and other Massage professionals.

100 Hour Esalen® Massage Program

Experiential learning classes will enable students to develop a balance between technique, intuition, and creativity. Each day we will move through different areas of the body focusing on a variety of techniques to address muscle tension, body holding patterns, and injury. Our study of massage technique is augmented through applied anatomy, awareness practices, methods of self-care, and communication skills.

This training is designed to be deeply transformational and will give you tools for awakening your senses and bringing more awareness to your massage practice and your life. It is for certified massage & bodywork practitioners wanting to deepen their bodywork practice and add the Esalen approach to their work.