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Provider: The Healing Arts and Massage School

Muscle Release Techniques for the Upper Extremity

This Muscle Release Techniques for the Upper Extremity course will enhance a massage and bodywork professional’s awareness of deep tissue techniques for the upper extremity. Functional assessment activities will be presented to assist the therapist with identifying specific muscles associated with common problems in the upper extremity. The course also addresses movement techniques for this important area of common complaints by clients. The therapist will review and develop a detailed study of the skeletomuscular system of the upper extremity. Common conditions and injuries of this region will be identified, and applications of techniques will be considered. Techniques for pain relief and rehabilitation will be presented and studied. The course will establish the appropriate application of techniques for problem areas. The therapist will learn appropriate client positioning and study proper body mechanics for the safe practice of techniques.

Deep Lymph Flushing Massage

Approved Provider: Light Hand Clinical Massage Therapy with Theresa Wilkes | Lymphatic drainage massage is in high demand in the wellness space. Lymphatic massage is a gentle yet profound manual technique that is effective in reducing water weight and inflammation while supporting your client’s detox programs. It is truly supportive for clients with chronic illness and pain seen with Fibromyalgia, arthritis and Long Covid. This course will teach the basic techniques of traditional manual lymph drainage as well as deeper flushing techniques drawn from sports massage techniques and a particular focus on flushing around the abdominal nodes and organs. It is taught as a 3-session protocol which is a wonderful service addition to your practice or spa menu. The techniques can also be integrated into any wellness, sports or pain relief massage session. A lymph drainage facial and sinus routing using a Gua Sha stone will also be taught. This course will not focus on oncology treatments.

Deep Dive: Forearm & Hand

Approved Provider: Melissa Cope | This course focuses on the muscles and other structures of the forearm and hand from an anatomy perspective, as well approaching both self-care and client treatment through stretching exercises for each muscle or set of muscles. Finally, we will discuss pathologies that affect these areas such as medial and lateral epicondylitis, carpal tunnel and osteoarthritis.